Why Use a Certified Laundry
The stakeholders in your business are increasingly concerned about its commitment to product cleanliness. They need to be assured of your efforts to maximize safety and health. You require as much verified proof as possible to demonstrate that you are achieving these goals.
Using a Hygienically Clean certified laundry contributes mightily to this endeavor:
- Textile services companies that earn the Hygienically Clean designation have turned to a third party to attest to their business practices that prevent laundered goods from becoming a source of contamination.
- Conformance by textile services operations to this internationally recognized standard for hygiene reflects high performance in multiple aspects of laundering. Certified operations have mastered responsive and timely customer service as well as excellent goods quality.
A textile services operation that earns Hygienically Clean certification and maintains TRSA membership is committed to high productivity and workplace safety rates, achieving the highest levels of excellence in these metrics as well as efficiency, cleanliness and environmental protection. TRSA members report their best practices collectively to benchmark (foster improvement) individually.
The new economy demands more scientific assessments of the health impacts of management practices. Your use of a Hygienically Clean certified laundry indicates your personal conscientiousness and willingness to perform to the highest standards in matters related to all these issues.