Why Request Hygienically Clean Certified laundries in your RFPs for reusable Healthcare Textiles?
According to experts with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) reusable PPE is proven to help healthcare facilities:
- Protect workers & patients
- Lower operating costs
- Improve environmental sustainability
- Prepare for public health emergencies The National Academies
Click below to watch the National Academies workshop video, download meeting materials or download the publication of the proceedings from the workshop.
National Academies Reusable Healthcare Textiles for PPE Workshop
Facilities that rely on reusable healthcare textiles trust Hygienically Clean Certification
- Developed to improve quality processes and focused on outcomes
- Requires ongoing third-party microbiological testing to verify compliance
- Ensures the cleanliness and quality of the finished textiles
- Relies on independent third-party auditors
Learn More about the Hygienically Clean Healthcare Certification